The Unspeakable Tragedy occurred to the Stewart Family.
It is our mission here, Within Thin Lines, to provide education, training, peer support and mental health resiliency to all First Responders and Veterans/Active Military members.
Unfortunately, a tragedy occurred to one of our own CFD Brothers.
Firefighter Walter Stewart was on duty when he heard his address toned out with an active fire. He continued to respond with his peers.
Despite all the endless efforts of his colleagues, his department, and the men and women of EMS and Emergency medical staff, his wife and children unfortunately succumbed to their injuries.
No amount of financial support will ever be of value compared to the loss he is facing. However, with your support, we can oath together to help him through this hardship.
All proceeds of this campaign will be in support of Walter, the arrangements of his family, and his mental health and housing needs moving forward, in their honor.
This is the WTL Stewart Family Honor Fund.
Please help if you can. Every donation can and will make a difference.